Whether you are a small or big company, you must have a formal hiring and firing process for your organization. This process can be simple to complicated and even much more time consuming depending upon your business policies. For example, consider all the paper work and checklists you have to deal with when hiring a new employee, arranging laptop and/or mobile, setting up necessary software on them, creating company email and other necessary accounts on web apps that the employee will use officially, controlling access to those web apps and services and reversing it all when terminating the employee, again with more paperwork etc. Since hiring and firing is an on-going process so going through all of this again and again is troublesome.
On top of that, not just HR department is involved in this recruitment and off-boarding process but many other departments like IT, Legal and Finance etc. are also involved which is a waste of company resources. If all of this process can be automated, it can not only save everyone’s valuable time but also improve their productivity.
Automating the whole employee management process can also bring a strategic benefit of collecting and analyzing almost every type of information about employees which can help businesses take data-driven decisions about their employees. Now, you know the problem and also the need of an automated employee management system so it’s time to introduce such a solution which can practically solve all employee management problems from their hiring till off-boarding.

Let’s meet our latest portfolio startup, Rippling, an automated employee management platform from Parker Conrad, the former CEO of Zenefits. Rippling wants you to throw away all of your checklists for employees’ hiring/firing and let it do everything automatically on your behalf.
When hiring a new employee, Rippling takes employee’s personal details, automatically generates necessary documents including tax forms to sign digitally, creates email and other user accounts on Slack, Box, G Suit etc., gets a computer ready with required software installed, ships the computer to employee, creates and configures Key-card access and setup employee in payroll & other related systems to get him/her on board.
After an employee gets on board, Rippling keeps all of his/her data online for easier access, links all of his/her app accounts to Single Sign On (SSO) using which employee accesses all apps with single username and password, automatically manages assigned computer by encrypting hard drives, enforcing password rules, installing/updating software, protecting computers from viruses & malware, lets employee to access office workplace using his/her phone and tracks working hours, off-time & payroll etc.
When an employee is terminated, Rippling calculates and generates severance agreement and other documents to be signed by employee digitally, revokes access to email, all other user accounts and even office workplace, deactivates computer access and gets it ready for future hire and automatically pays his/her finalized salary and severance.
Rippling price starts at $8/m per employee. Feel free to request for a demo.